Plants that Harm Vol I


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SKU: D014 Categories: , Tags: , , , , ISBN: 9781894453462.


Mors Kochanski has spent a lifetime gathering Bushcraft knowledge and has been an instructor for over 40 years.
Wilderness enthusiasts, teachers, and people who make their living in the bush will find this DVD an invaluable addition to their educational libraries.

In this 42 minute DVD Mors identifies and discusses over 30 common plants with harmful properties: Meadow and Macoun’s Buttercups, Parsley Buttercup, Marsh Marigold, Canada Anemone, Globeflower, Larkspur, Monkshood, Blue and Yellow Columbines, Alpine and MacKenzie’s Hedysarums, Creamy Peavine, Purple Vetch, Showy Locoweed, the three Clovers, Nodding Onion, Death Camus, Cow Parsnip, Water Parsnip, Water and Bulbiferous Hemlock, Labrador Tea, Bog Rosemary, Water Arum, Skunk Cabbage, Sedge, Horsetail, Seaside Arrowgrass.

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